Our corporate philosophy at Hilgendorf

As a pioneering company run by its owners, we have embodied quality, flexibility, punctuality and fast delivery times for over 70 years. Our approach includes professional solutions in day-to-day business as well as innovative development processes that we design in partnership with our customers. Thanks to many years of experience and continuous development, we realize individual customer requirements efficiently and cost-consciously.

Our aim is to consolidate our market position through sustainable growth. In close cooperation with strong partners, we are continuously expanding our product range and optimizing our processes.

We meet future economic and ecological challenges with the highest level of performance and quality awareness. Our ISO 9001 certification since 1993, the Ecovadis silver rating and the implementation of a supplier approval process and a code of conduct are evidence of our commitment to first-class product and service quality.

Our corporate philosophy embodies not only tradition, but also a vision for a sustainable future in which we set standards, promote innovation and have a positive impact on our customers, partners and the environment.

founded in
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team members


Through steady growth, we want to further expand our market position in Europe while pursuing a sustainable path. To this end, we continue to develop our product range with efficient partners in various segments and optimize our processes, always with a focus on ecological responsibility. We rely on motivated and qualified employees and invest in their ongoing development with the aim of meeting our high quality standards and promoting sustainability at the same time.

By incorporating ecological aspects into our innovation strategy, we strive to set standards and help shape a greener future for everyone.

Working together to find a solution!

The best products are only worth half as much if they are not used correctly. That’s why we provide you with sound, comprehensive advice with the aim of finding the right solution for you.


Hilgendorf Zeitstrahl